Saturday Update 4/27/13

Happy Saturday to everyone. It was a wet and dreary day here, cool but not cold. It was comfortable in the shop but I ran the heaters for about 30 minutes to knock the chill down and warm up the rollers on the planner. Hope everyone had a good week and a great Saturday. I was able to get all my homework cut out this week….the roses for the Memorial Box (Paduk, Yellow Heart & Purple Heart), the base brackets for the Web Clock and the crown & pediment for the Web Clock.

Today was a short day at the shop because I have a run to do in the morning. I have been running since 1979 and racing since 1980 and tomorrow’s run is planned to be my last one. It is the Trolley Run, a fast mostly downhill 4 miler….the largest in the country. When I did the 1st one 25 years ago, there were 86 runners…..this year over 11,000. The years and miles have taken a toll on the old body and after 5 foot surgeries….it’s time to say ‘Good Night Gracie’. I’ll still run and enjoy it but not go through what it takes to get ready for a race. These day’s I enjoy chasing little animals through the woods on my mountain bike….although those misplaced trees can hurt as well.
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Saturday Update 4/20/13

Hello and Happy Saturday to Everyone. I received this in an email earlier this week and I really couldn’t have said it any better than this so I attached it here. This week’s tragedy has touched us all but it really hit home hard for me. I was lucky enough to have been able to run the Boston Marathon back in 2001. This is the ultimate event for anyone who runs….it is the Superbowl of running and the most storied marathon of all time. This years event was the 117th running of the marathon. I can’t even imagine what it felt like for those who participated and had these bastards take away from them one of the most special accomplishments of their lives. I know what kind of hard work and effort it takes to be able to just make the starting line let alone make it the 26.2 miles to the finish line. This marathon is the only one you have to qualify for by running a set time for your age at another marathon. My day at Boston was so full of so many wonderful memories and to have these tarnished for those this year breaks my heart. But this is nothing compared to those who lost their lives, Loved ones or legs and arms. The picture I have of my buddy and I finishing is the view showed all week of the finish line and it gave me goosebumps every time I saw it. And our wives sat in the stands at the finish line waiting for us…..right where the bombs went off! My heart goes out deeply to everyone affected and they will remain in my prayers…….

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Saturday Update 4/13/13

Hello and hope everyone is having a great Sunday and you had a good Saturday. The weather here on Saturday was nice. Started off cool but warmed up quick….had the shop door open all day but really hadn’t noticed how nice it was until I got ready to leave.

My day started off by meeting my Daughter at Metro Hardwoods to figure out which woods we’d like to use for the Memorial Box for her Aunt. It will be a two story box…the lower box will be a memorial section for notes and memorabilia from everyone and this will be sealed after all is collected. Then the upper box will be for Terri’s urn. The main boxes will be made out of Shedua (the dark wood I’ve been using alot lately), The main overlays will be made from 1/8″ Hard Maple, and a variety of other woods for the top overlays. Terri really liked Roses and Horses so on the upper box there will be a Horse cutout in the front made out of 1/4″ Willow (Kishna I found a really cool scrap of it at the shop…..since you said she loved Willow Trees) and the Roses will be on the sides and back….made from 1/4″ Purple heart, Paduk & Yellow heart. Then we will finish it out by a name and date piece on the top lid. The brackets on both boxes will be made from Paduk and I may trim out the base and lids with Paduk. Yesterday we picked out a beautiful piece of very figured Poplar which has greens and tans mixed throughout it. I knew it was the piece as soon as I saw her eyes light up. Sure glad I waited this extra week. I sure enjoyed showing her the different wood types and talking about them. She was surprised at how many types and colors there are and ask how I could come there most Saturdays and not spend alot…… 🙂 (Who said I don’t?) Very enjoyable day at the wood store….
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Saturday Update 4/6/13

Happy Saturday! Hope everyone had a great day and you were able to get some shop time. This was my first day back in the shop after my eye surgery. It was a warm but overcast day here….mid 70’s and windy. Had to open windows and turn on one of the fans….I knew this day would arrive! I’d like to start out by welcoming several new friends to the update. We have about 25 new friends since the last time I was at the shop. For the old friends, you can skip to the next paragraph…for the new friends, this is a great way for me to keep in touch with everyone. I try to keep it fun and informative at the same time. Also I encourage feedback or comments. And if you have anything you’d like for me to address….I will try. Hope you enjoy…sit back and buckle up because here we go!
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